| 1. | Does a neutron star represent the ultimate in compression ? 中子星是压缩的最终产物吗?
| 2. | Neutron stars are the second exhibit in the gallery of stellar corpses . 中子星是死之恒星陈列馆内第二类样品。
| 3. | The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis . 在中子星或黑洞伴星上发生吸积的模型,仍应看成是一个有价值的假说。
| 4. | There is a positive observational and theoretical basis for believing that neutron stars and black holes follow as a result of supernovae . 中子星和黑洞则是超新星的产物,观测上和理论上的依据使我们相信这一点。
| 5. | In this model, the resulting implosion and ensuing explosion would blow off the outer envelope of the star and leave behind the core as a neutron star . 按此模型,引起的突然压缩和随后的爆发会把恒量的外部包层吹跑,留下的核成为一颗中子星。
| 6. | Are some known neutron stars actually strange stars 一些已知的中子星会否就是奇异星?
| 7. | Study of the gravitational energy in neutron stars 中子星内引力能的研究
| 8. | Structure of a pulsar ? a rotating magnetic neutron star 脉冲星的结构。一颗旋转磁中子星。
| 9. | Such high speed was considered unusual for a neutron star 这麽高的速度对中子星来说是很不寻常的。
| 10. | 1 neutron star is a star that is largely made up of neutrons 中子星是一颗大部份物质为中子的星球。